Saturday, July 26, 2008

Let the Marketing Begin!

The blog is up (as you can see!), and the listing has been submitted to the Miami Herald's Season of the Arts.  Marketing efforts will continue with a Save the Date flyer, using images from an upcoming skit performance. 

I finished reading the stage play for this production, and I must tell you that this is a very powerful work, one that contains several important stories and perspectives.  The cast will be made up of women (mostly) and I can already begin to imagine the power that will emanate from the stage during some of the more poignant scenes.

Stay tuned for more updates on the progress, and maybe a taste of what's to come.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Welcome to the Sisters! Blog

In this blog, we will keep you informed on all of the progress on our production of Sisters!, scheduled to open in March, 2009.

Cast, crew, production and marketing will all be checking in from time to time to share their stories as we develop this amazing and powerful play about being a black woman in the US, before slavery and after.  

We hope that you will visit this page often, and we look forward to your comments as we go.